Proving Ground

I've been thinking back on the years I spent bodybuilding and my upcoming powerlifting meet. For one passion, I spent the majority of my time trying to prove people wrong. And for the other, proving people right. The difference in mindset is staggering and so have been my results. As many fans of the fitness... Continue Reading →

The Evolution of My Fitness

When I completed my first marathon, I thought: I'm going to get a tattoo to honor this. Completing a full marathon was a 'Bucket List' item I had set for myself and accomplished in my early twenties. I never did get that tattoo and I'm glad I didn't - not because I think it was... Continue Reading →

Longevity VS Novelty

If you're on any social media platform at all, you've seen an assortment of variations of exercises: drop sets, giant sets, supersets (yes they are different), accessories like chains and blocks, paused and pulse reps, using machines for a different purpose than their original design, etc. On top of that, there are about a million... Continue Reading →

Sustainable Nutrition is the ‘Secret’ That Shouldn’t Be A Secret

Losing weight, gaining weight, changing your body composition, is not EASY. But, it's also not COMPLICATED. By that, I mean there is a lot of evidence that shows that no matter what type of diet you use, you can still lose weight [1]. What it ultimately boils down to is the number of calories that... Continue Reading →

Trust But VERIFY The Process

You didn’t gain weight or reach the point you are at with your fitness level overnight, so logically your results won’t be achieved overnight either. Any pro in the fitness industry, from powerlifting to bodybuilding will tell you that remaining consistent with your programming and nutrition, and having patience are the most important factors in... Continue Reading →

Bodybuilding and the Land of Extremes

Bodybuilding doesn't fall into the category of 'extreme sports' like sky diving, motorcross, or windsurfing, but it has always been a sport that required a certain amount of "extreme" or "extraordinary effort". Not everyone can do it. However, today it feels like it's become the land of who's the most hardcore or takes the most... Continue Reading →

How Many Calories Does Breathing Burn?… Asking for a Friend

Good news! You burn calories just by being alive... so even in your sleep, your body is working away to use those tacos you love for fuel. The baseline amount of calories that your body burns at rest (aka existing) is called your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). If you are actively trying to lose, gain,... Continue Reading →

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